YouTube- UCC Ireland, Alyssa Hinton Exhibition 2015
…some exciting coverage about my installation at the Boole Library University College Cork Library at UCC, Ireland. This short video was commissioned by the George Boole 200 Office.
Click on the link below to have a look!
They’ve created a plaque to go with the sculpture, which reads as follows: The Thunderbird of the upper world, with its’ customary lightening bolt, is the quintessential Native American icon. It tells of the original creation of the universe through electricity (life energy). Here I symbolized its creative electrical force by using circuit board and copper coil imagery. I took it upon myself to update the Thunderbird in this fashion as a way to illustrate the power of this mythical being while demonstrating Indigenous survival and continued cultural identification in the digital era. This contemporary high-tech bird represents a balanced amalgamation of ancient knowledge with modern technology. By Alyssa Hinton