EVENT- Oasis Earth Altar Artist’s Talk

Wednesday November 16  7:00-8:00pm

Oasis Earth Altar Artist’s Talk


The Indigenous Iconic Earth Altar-The Piecing of a Philosophy
Please join me for a laid back evening of conscious “earth talk”! I’ll have my giant fiber work, the “Indigenous Iconic Earth Altar”, on site as a tool to discuss the essential teachings of all Indigenous American belief; the “we are all related” philosophy. I will also share the symbology of the ancient icons I used, and explain surprising discoveries that caused me to stitch a tesseract within the center of the altar.

The Indigenous Iconic Earth Altar is a five piece “walk-around” fiber installation. It consists of an octagonal medicine wheel encircled by four iconic “power dresses.” I imbued this mixed media ensemble with the power a life philosophy that affirms we are one with everything, everybody, the entire universe and the “Great Mysterious” or “First Cause.”

It took me three years to piece together this “we are all related” belief system. Through a greater understanding of the nature of duality, the life force, seasonal cycles, earth elements and so on, the process of completing it has helped to open up a doorway to the essential teachings of all Indigenous American belief.

Hope to see you there!

Oasis IIEA Talk
Oasis IIEA Talk


Thunderbird Power Dress Closeup
Thunderbird Power Dress Closeup


Alyssa Hinton on the Eno River
Alyssa Hinton on the Eno River


Tesseract design representing the fourth dimension.
Tesseract design representing the fourth dimension.