Please join us at the Southern Dreaming Regional Conference, Friday & Saturday, April 28th and 29th, 2017 in Greenville, South Carolina.
There will be a full line up of special events and workshops, world-class speakers, therapists, pastors, artists, writers, musicians, and medical practitioners.
I will be doing a Dream Arts Workshop entitled Drawing on the Dreamtime, a Transformative Process. As a visual artist, images, gifted to me in dreams, have helped me recover cultural information that has been forgotten or seemingly lost. In this workshop, dreams are used as a springboard for the release of creative self-expression. We will explore drawing in full color through the free association of ideas in much the same way I use dreams in my studio practice. Basic concepts relating to dreams and to “perceived reality” will be discussed from a cross-cultural perspective. *No art or drawing experience necessary.
I will also be chairing a Symposium: Dreams, Prophecy & Native American Cultural Reawakening! A major theme in my artwork has been the reawakening of southeastern Native American culture. During the symposium I will focus on the role dreams and visions have played in the development of this theme over the past 20 years. I will also be discussing the traditional concept of artist as shaman and the role of dreams and dreamers in Native cultures.

Extra Added Plus: Many of the offerings (including mine) can be attended for CE Credit!
For all details, weekend accommodations, and a full schedule of this 2 day event, click below:
…and Please click here to go straight to the Registration page:
Many thanks to DreamsCloud for sponsoring my participation in this event: