20% Extended Holiday Discount-All Fine Art Prints
Okay, it’s time for Plan B: 20% Extended Holiday Discount 👇
If you were in the middle of picking out something from my store (or perhaps just missed out entirely), you can continue to use code BLACKFRIDAY21 for 20% off my art through the new, final end date of Tuesday, November 24th because I have extended a 20% discount on all fine art prints!

Shop the Extended Sale for 20% off Your Order:
New Releases Link: 👇
General Shop Prints Link: 👇
Holiday Gift Guide Link: 👇

ECCR BOOK Gift Option:
Here’s another option. Offer my book Earth Consciousness & Cultural Revelations as a timely gift. It has tons of large color plates of my work and includes a forward by Chadwick Allen, author of Re-scripting Indigenous America: Earthworks in Native Art. Learn about my journey on the path of rediscovering my roots within a world that is in the process of re-awakening and coming alive again, a “new/old” Indian world that has profound lessons of transformation for our times.

The indigenous world view that inspires the art in this book is full of hopeful teachings for how the earth aligns with the sky and how everyday living can mirror that earth/sky balance. Every image in the book has accompanying writing to shed light on this philosophy of reciprocity.
In our times (an era of renewal), the sacred stories, mounds and other sites are being rediscovered. This was talked about in the ancient prophecies of indigenous peoples. This is not a time to be feared, rather a time to embrace the inevitable transformation taking place!

Happy holidays, stay safe and be well,