Nature Escapades- Intro

This is the introduction and first of my “Nature Escapades” posts, where I intend to share my discoveries, joys and observations on one of my favorite phenomenon; Total Immersion in the Natural World!

Nature escapades:
At forest’s edge, the open meadows of an old farm slope to the cliffs of a rugged coastline. I lie on bare ground under a stunningly clear and starry night sky. On the northern horizon, the Aurora Borealis streaks a muted color spectrum. Meteorites crisscross overhead like cosmic fireworks. An ecstatic childhood memory. Total immersion in the natural world!

Experiences like this are at the core of my being. As a visual artist I have explored many pathways, but the unifying element in all my work is my reverence for the natural world. As a teenager this propensity was reinforced by my study of traditional Chinese painting techniques and principles in Beijing. This training taught me to imitate the organic beauty of random configurations of trees, mountains and water and to capture the essential contrasts found in nature. My art background also includes three years of fine art study in Europe and work as a sculpture technician in steel, brick, tile, bronze and wood. Most recently I have chosen to focus my creativity on my southeastern Native American roots by reestablishing ties in North Carolina.


Just off the beaten path at the Eno River trail off of Guess Road, Durham, NC
Just off the beaten path at the Eno River trail off of Guess Road, Durham, NC
My ideal as an artist is that the contemplation of the formal and poetic beauty of a given work would approximate the type of awe-inspiring moments of total immersion in nature that I experienced in my youth. This creative goal is driven by a desire to send a message of renewed gratitude and respect for our life-support system, the earth, a concept intrinsic to traditional Native American cultural values and relevant to people of all walks of life. My larger purpose is to tap into this growing environmental consciousness in a significant way and to inspire future students and audiences of my work.